The Oakleaf Club of Tidewater, Virginia is an official non-profit 501(c)(3) organization governed by an executive board. We rely heavily on committees to power the Club, and we have lots of opportunities for people to volunteer in areas in which they are interested. You can contact any officer by emailing us at
2023-2024 Executive Board:
President: Cheryl Remick
Steers the ship to ensure we accomplish Club goals.
First Vice President, Membership: Lauren Sanford
Reaches out to recruit and welcome new members to the Club.
Second Vice President, Social: Allison Sublett
Plans & hosts official Club functions, works with their committee to offer a variety of social opportunities.
Communications Officer: Jenna Curnes
Works with their committee to manage the website, newsletter, and Facebook page to ensure they contain the information our members need.
Special Projects Advisor: Joann Moran
(Formerly Liaisons and Representatives) Works to keep an eye and ear on what’s happening in the various MHS branches and military communities in the region.
Recording Secretary: Courtney Booth
Treasurer: Kalie Gerwig